Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Useful Sites

Here are a few sites that may be useful for you...Let me know if you have any questions! You can always email me now! :)

Good resources:

Few email addresses: --> melia plotkin personal email --> brian, nicole, and elika club email --> deb, melia, ron, rachael plotkin personal email --> brian's personal email --> nicole's personal email --> elika's personal email --> Sister Schools Uganda email --> gloria kyallo

Our blogs:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Training in Gulu!

Today we completed part 2 of our first training at the New Community Resource Technology Center at the AMREF office in Gulu!

We started on Tuesday with computer basics and word processing...without internet access, we were unable to run through our entire lesson that was planned. Today we were able to set everyone up with a gmail account and go over email basics as well as internet research with google - with limited access and 4 computers instead of our intended 12. Despite the challenges, we were able to get everyone working on the computers for a bit and were still able to do some demonstrations on the projector. It has been great to work with this small group of teachers and students from schools in the local Gulu town area. Everyone is so kind, respectful and gracious.

Tomorrow we have our second training with many more students and teachers...we keep our fingers crossed that the internet will be consistent for us for this larger training!

On Sunday we will meet with the sponsored students from Sister Schools of San Diego. On Monday we will head to Kitgum and Pader for more trainings in those districts. We are excited to head to more areas but hope the internet will work there...if it was a challenge here in Gulu, we don't know what to expect in these less developed regions. This has been the true test of flexiblily with lesson planning and the frustrations of technology.

We are inspired everyday by the wonderful and beautiful and ever patient and most amazing muzungu here...Melia Plotkin. Yaye!!!!

Until next time we will continue to enjoy avocados and chipati and cold showers and dusty roads as well as avoiding every Delgado snore and mozzie we see.